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Sep 23, 2019

Registrar Corp Announces Acquisition of Registration and Licensing Systems, Inc.

Two gentleman shaking hands

Registrar Corp has acquired Registration and Licensing Systems, Inc. (“RLS”).   RLS has provided FDA registration and U.S. Agent services to domestic and foreign food facilities since 2003 and supports hundreds of clients around the world.

Registrar Corp President David Lennarz sees the acquisition as advantageous to both Registrar and to RLS clients. “This acquisition not only expands our customer base, but RLS clients will inherit the year-round benefits we offer as part of our registration and U.S. Agent services,” Lennarz said.  Registrar Corp clients benefit from free Prior Notice submissions, detention support, FDA compliance monitoring, and more.

“With this acquisition, we take yet another step toward our goal of becoming an all-encompassing solution to address export barriers,” Lennarz added. “The more companies we are able to work with, the more we can understand the industry’s overarching regulatory needs and build solutions around those needs.”

“I know I’m leaving my clients in good hands,” said RLS Founder Peter Tutini.  He added, “Registrar’s skilled workforce and diverse offering of compliance services allow them to greatly expand what I was able to offer my clients, further supporting their needs for successful operation in the US market.”  While RLS solely offered FDA registration-related services, Registrar Corp offers assistance with additional regulatory requirements, including food labeling, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance, and inspection preparation.

Mr.Tutini also noted that Registrar Corp’s 18 overseas offices will benefit his clients abroad.  “My largest client base is in France, and now they’ll have the opportunity to work with local representatives in Registrar Corp’s Auray office.”

The investment in RLS is the second add-on acquisition completed by Registrar Corp, following the company’s acquisition of FDA Agents last year.  Registrar Corp, in collaboration with investor Bertram Capital, will continue to actively target add-on acquisitions of regulatory compliance firms that can expand Registrar’s client base and range of services.

“Registrar Corp will continue to build out its capabilities to support the global and developing compliance needs of our customers and we’re all very excited to welcome RLS and their valued customers to the Registrar family,” said Tom Beerle, Partner at Bertram Capital.

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