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Nov 10, 2022

Registrar Corp Announces Acquisition of Nutrition Facts and Recipe Analysis Software Firm, A la Calc

Read the GlobeNewswire release here.

HAMPTON, Virginia, November 10, 2022: Registrar Corp (, the leading provider of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliance software and services, is pleased to announce its acquisition of A la Calc. A la Calc provides SaaS solutions for recipe and nutrition analysis to over 10,000 industry professionals worldwide.

A la Calc’s software contains tools designed for food professionals that calculate nutrition content, generate allergens information, and estimate the final cost of a recipe.

According to David Lennarz, President of Registrar Corp, “the acquisition of this software provides our current and future clients with an affordable do-it-yourself means to create U.S. FDA compliant nutrition facts labels. The simple interface also allows users to toggle and create U.K. and E.U. compliant nutrition labels.”

Customers can purchase various packages at different price points, according to their needs. All packages include elements for recipe management, compliant labeling processes, and budgeting strategies.

Registrar Corp has long provided a full-service option for compliant label creation. “Self-serve or full service, our customers can now choose a solution that fits their needs and budget,” adds Lennarz.

A la Calc’s Key Features

  • Recipe Management – A la Calc contains a database of over 12,000 ingredients customers can use to build their recipe portfolio. Users can feel confident in the integrity and accuracy of this data, which is derived from reliable databases published by the U.S., U.K., German, and French governments. Users can also add custom ingredients and can further enhance recipes with notes and pictures. The software also includes API capability for Menu Boards.
    • Information is stored on the cloud with end-to-end encryption and hourly data backups to protect users’ recipes and maintain the privacy of ingredients.
  • Compliance – A la Calc provides the latest U.S., E.U., and U.K. compliance data so companies can properly label nutrition and ingredient information on their products, according to regional compliance regulations. The software also generates a list of allergens contained in each recipe, giving users a point of reference for allergen declarations.
  • Production Costing and Optimization – The platform includes tools that calculate cost per serving and batch to help with cost projection and adherence to a budget. The system generates required raw ingredient amounts so that users can more accurately prepare when batch cooking recipes.
    • The optimization tool also incorporates the technology to allow users to modify the recipe to meet specific nutrient levels such as sugar and salt, which can be helpful when intending to make nutrient content claims about the product.

“A la Calc gives food industry professionals another option for managing their products’ labels,” said Anna Benevente, Registrar Corp’s Director of Product, Labeling, and Ingredient Review. “Compliance regulations change over time, and this system helps users stay on track by constantly providing updated information. As users modify their recipes, they can feel confident that the labels produced in the A la Calc system will reflect accurate nutritional content.”

Labeling errors account for approximately 22% of all detentions in the U.S. In addition to A la Calc, Registrar Corp helps food companies avoid FDA labeling violations by reviewing their food labels for compliance. Along with a report of recommended changes, companies receive a print-ready graphic file of their revised label.

Registrar Corp’s FDA Compliance Services

Registrar Corp provides FDA compliance services for food and beverage, medical device, drug, and cosmetics establishments. The company also assists with the following, among other things:

  • FDA registration and renewal
  • Detentions
  • Inspection preparation
  • Food safety regulations
  • Online training for regulatory compliance and food safety certification

Registrar Corp’s other software solutions include ComplyHub for supply-chain management and Cosmetri, a cosmetic formulation software offering.

A la Calc marks Registrar Corp’s eighth acquisition.

About Registrar Corp

Registrar Corp was founded in 2003 to help businesses comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. Since opening its headquarters in Hampton, Virginia, USA, Registrar Corp has expanded to 20 worldwide offices and has aided more than 32,000 companies across 190+ countries. Employees include former U.S. FDA officials, scientists, and industry experts.

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