$299 USD
Packaging GMPs for Drugs & Medicinal Products
This course provides essential GMP training for all personnel who work on the packaging of medicinal products. Other staff working in a manufacturing environment in the pharma/biotech industry will also benefit from this module.
Learn the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for the packaging of drugs and medicinal products, the last step before these products are released for sale. This course will cover:
- Packaging quality – Packaging, or container-closure, systems must contain and protect the product from spoilage, preserve its stability, and provide evidence of tampering as required. Labeling must provide the correct information about the product, its storage requirements, and its use. Information that allows the distribution of batches to be traced should be included, and measures to defeat counterfeiters are increasingly required. Packaging quality affects product quality, so packaging materials, systems, and operations are subject to quality assurance requirements similar to those for starting materials and products. Controls must be in place to ensure that packaging fulfills its various functions. We discuss those functions and sketch examples of the necessary controls.
- Control of printed materials – Control of printed materials is an especially important part of packaging operations. All information on packaging materials and inserts must correctly apply to the product and batch. Mislabeling/misbranding of a drug is a very serious error. In this session we describe controls applied to printed materials at the printer, on receipt of inward goods, and in storage, issue, and return to store. We outline how variable data such as batch numbers and expiry dates can be coded on packaging materials. Finally, we emphasize the importance of the reconciliation of printed materials.
- The packaging run – A packaging run is subject to controls similar to those for the processing of product. Checks must be carried out beforehand, in-process and other quality controls must be applied during the run, all operations must be recorded, and cleaning must be done afterward. In this session we identify documents that need to be followed for the run, we describe line clearance and set-up tasks, and we discuss in-process controls and statistical quality control.
- Reconciliation of materials – Reconciliation of materials is an important control for packaging operations. We describe the reconciliation of quantities of product and of printed matter.
Read full overview
1. Section 1: Module Overview
2. Section 2: Packaging Quality
3. Section 3: Control of Printed Materials
4. Section 4: The Packaging Run
5. Section 5: Reconciliation of Materials
6. Section 6: Additional Resources
7. Section 7: Assessment