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Nov 22, 2022

Registrar Corp Introduces BRCGS Issue 9 Online Training

Read the EIN Presswire release here. 

HAMPTON, Virginia, November 22, 2022: Leading FDA advisory and training firm, Registrar Corp, announced today the release of online training courses for the newest version of BRCGS, Issue 9. 

The fully online and self-paced courses provide training for facilities interested in learning more about BRCGS. In-depth training is also available for HACCP Team Leaders, the HACCP Team, and the BRCGS Internal Audit Team. Successfully completing the courses meets the requirements for becoming trained in BRCGS. Food industry professionals can now learn BRCGS at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes or office. 

“Given the challenges of travel and in-person training during COVID, we’re excited to offer this type of fully online BRCGS training,” said David Lennarz, President of Registrar Corp. 

This training has been developed as an alternative to the standard BRCGS Courses offered through the approved training program and is not included in the BRCGS-approved training program. 

The BRCGS standard is not prescriptive on the courses required for training, but the company needs to ensure the training has been effective. The effectiveness of this training program is measured by the successful completion of the interactive exercise sections included in each chapter of the course. 

The BRCGS online training courses are just a few of the many online courses that Registrar Corp offers for food safety professionals.  In July 2020, the FSSC 22000 food safety certification program approved two of Registrar Corp’s FSSC 22000 courses, which prepare facilities to implement a GFSI-recognized food safety scheme.  Registrar Corp also offers PCQI courses, SQF and ISO Implementation, Internal Auditing, HACCP, allergen management, and much more.   

Registrar Corp’s FDA Compliance Services  

Registrar Corp provides FDA compliance services for food, medical device, drug, and cosmetics establishments. Along with online training courses, the company also assists with the following, among other things:   

  • FDA registration and renewal  
  • Detentions  
  • Inspection preparation   
  • Food safety regulations 
  • Software solutions for compliance 

About Registrar Corp 

Registrar Corp is the leading provider of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliance services. Since opening its Hampton, Virginia headquarters in 2003, Registrar Corp has expanded to 20 worldwide offices and has aided more than 50,000 companies across 160 countries.  

If you have questions about PCQI requirements or Registrar Corp’s online courses, contact Registrar Corp’s training department at [email protected] or by calling +1-757-224-0177 (option 5). 

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