$129 USD

FDA Regulated Imports & Importing to the US: Compliance Training

Learn the basics of importing, acts and regulations, entry process, inspection, investigation, compliance and enforcement actions, and import fraud.


  • English
  • Certificate of completion
  • 2.5 hours
  • Regulatory / Quality Assurance
  • 1 year


This online training for professionals is offered in partnership with IFPTI (International Food Protection Training Institute). This training course has been designed specifically for regulators of FDA Regulated Imports, and now you can gain the same valuable insights and knowledge they receive.  Once you complete the course, you may download your training certificate which includes both the FDA and IFPTI logos.

This course will cover

  • Foundations of Importing: terminology, agencies involved, import regulations, process for food and feed, enforcement actions
  • Import Acts and Regulations: jurisdiction, agency regulations, violations
  • Entry Process: entry process, entry submission, entry documentation, types of entry
  • Inspection: import field activities, sampling, FSVP, filer evaluation, VQIP
  • Investigation: causes for investigations, agencies involved, types, evidence, internal adulteration
  • Compliance and enforcement actions: adverse inspections, interagency collaboration, options for violative products, enforcement actions
  • Import fraud: types, example, legal proceedings, examples of criminal activities
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1. Foundations

  • Define relevant terminology.
  • Identify agencies involved in the import process.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of import regulations.
  • Explain the process for imported feed and food products.
  • Give examples of regulatory enforcement actions.

2. Acts and Regulations

  • Determine jurisdiction over imported products.
  • Explain agency regulations.
  • Identify the various agencies regulating imported product.
  • Define appearance of a violation as it relates to imports.

3. Entry Process

  • Describe the entry process.
  • Identify entry submission requirements.
  • Identify entry documentation.
  • Discuss types of entry.
  • Give examples of import admissibility decisions.

4. Inspection

  • Describe import field activities.
  • Discuss sampling procedures.
  • Discuss the concept of FSVP.
  • Describe the purpose of filer evaluation.
  • Discuss the concept of VQIP.

5. Investigation

  • Describe causes for import investigations.
  • Determine the appropriate agency to initiate an investigation
  • Describe the different types of investigations
  • Discuss types of evidence to collect
  • Discuss intentional adulteration.

6. Compliance and enforcement actions

  • Discuss enforcement actions for adverse inspections/investigations.
  • Discuss interagency collaboration.
  • Discuss importer’s options for violative products.
  • Discuss enforcement actions to address non-compliant parties.

7. Import fraud

  • Identify types of fraud.
  • Give examples of intentional deception.
  • Identify legal proceedings associated with import fraud.
  • Give examples of criminal activities.
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